Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well, things are sloooooowly moving forward.  I faced my first day at work with my EXTREMELY short hair (wig-less).  I took the wig with me, just in case.  I was quite apprehensive my first few steps in the door, but my fantastic co-workers made me feel at ease right off the bat.  As I was walking into the building, I thought of Mary Nickles doing the very same thing but on the most popular morning TV news program.  And I thought if she can do it - so can I.  I had no idea I would be so emotional about it and that I would feel so much fear, but by today (2nd wig-less work day) it was no big deal.
I've had a couple more HR2 treatments and things went well.  However, the PA gave me more info about this whole process.  Such as, the chemo will take YEARS to get out of my system and I will have on and off episodes of the side effects until then, the neuropathy will continue off and on, and when I asked about my blood levels etc., she said I'm slowly gaining ground but "you'll never get back to where you were before".  That was something that I've never been told before and it just makes me want to work hard to at least get close!!
I had the 30 days after completing radiation doctor appt. yesterday.  My skin has healed well and I can start the re-construction process with my plastic surgeon.  I met with him about two weeks ago with him giving me interesting news, too.  He wants to redo my scar so I will get better end results, so he scheduled it of Sept. 25th. But I've got so much going on at work and Lance will be out of town that week that I've decided to reschedule it to mid-November but I don't know what day, expected recover time, etc. yet.  Then the loooong reconstruction process will start and everything will depend on how it goes from there.
Last Saturday I attended the Breast Cancer Survivors luncheon, with my sister, and Mary was the key note speaker.  I was amazed at what a great job she did!  She had us all laughing and crying at the same moment.   So of course, I had to get a pic with my chemo buddy and our short hair!  And she's only about six weeks ahead of me but her hair is really growing fast!! What an inspiration!
I understand I was on TV from this event and I'm even on Mary's facebook page.  I'll have to figure out a way to see it!
I'm feeling better everyday but still have a LONG way to go!
Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Love ya