Thursday, April 4, 2013


It's been so long since I've written where I'm at and what's going on.  I've been feeling the end of all this was in sight and I didn't need to write anything anymore.  Then I realize - it will really be five years of continued testing to make sure I have no recurrence before they will say I'm "Cancer Free".  Can't wait for that day! but it sure seems a long way off cuz that's about the same time (if all goes well) I'd like to try to retire - WooHoo!!

I've had my first after-treatment tests and all appears well so far.... I see my plastic surgeon tomorrow, Friday, April 5, for a pre-op visit before my first reconstruction surgery, which is scheduled for April 18th.  Hopefully, he'll tell me everything is looking like it's supposed to - cuz I really can't tell and don't know.  I'm a little apprehensive for this fat-grafting surgery as I'll be sore from the Lypo as well as the other.  But I'm taking as much time away from work as I need to feel better before going back.  Luckily, I have five weeks time off saved up for the surgeries this year and will continue accumulating time during the year.

Lance and I went to Moab last week for the Easter Jeep Safari, which I missed last year.  The weather was absolutely beautiful - warm and sunny almost the whole time - with not too much wind.  I even sat out in the sun for a while and rolled up my pants legs to get some sun on what is now the absolute whitest legs I ever had in my whole life!!  Amazing what a year and a half without sun or much exercise does to a body!!  I really missed my boys at this event that we all used to go to and have so much fun.  I keep hoping over the years they will want to join us again. (ya, probably wishful thinking but I'll just keep hoping!)

I started exercising again a little over a month ago. The first time was such a shocker!! It's amazing how much muscle mass I had lost through all of this.  It was really, really hard the first couple of weeks but I'm getting really close to the same ability and range of motion that I had before all of this, now.  It really feels good!!

My hair is growing in slowly, but I had it cut last Monday and it looks alot like the style of Kellie Pickler, the country singer who's doing Dancing with the Stars.  Kind of the Pixie hair style mom used to like to cut our hair like when we were little kids.  I hated it then but actually really like it now and will probably keep it this way for awhile.  I'll include a pic when I get one taken.

The RACE FOR THE CURE is coming up next month, so I better get busy and get my team registered.  I'll send out info as soon as I do this.  Hopefully, we'll have a great turn out again this year.  I know I'll certainly enjoy it more this year - no wheelchair for this girl!!

Hope to see you there!!  Thanks for all your love and support!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Progressing Forward...

Some things progress so slowly that it's hard to sit and write about it.  So here's where I'm at today....

I had scar correction surgery with tissue re-arrangement on November 15, and all went well. I am home recovering and will return to work next week. My hair is getting thicker but is really taking its sweet time growing.  But it's nice to have it back no matter how short it is!! (Mom would like it so short!)

The reconstruction option I've chosen to try is a new alternative and I believe my plastic surgeon is one of only a few in Utah who has been trained in this new fat grafting procedure.  He actually went and trained under the doctor who created it a couple of years ago. When I first met my Dr. last year, he only had five patients who had chosen this option.  One of which was a patient who had done alot of research and asked him to look into it. He had seen it at a medical event and was interested in the results, so he researched it further, was very excited with the results they were achieving and pursued it.
This option is not as invasive but is a loooooong sloooooow process and will continue throughout the coming year.  I will have a fat grafting procedure every few months until we get the desired outcome.  However, depending on each procedures outcome, if the doc and I don't feel we are going to get our expected results, I have three other fall back options I can opt into at any time.  Nice to have options that I didn't realize were available and that insurance does cover.
That does bring up the insurance coverage question that I'm sure you've all wondered about - like how much this stuff really costs? - how much does the insurance cover? - how much do you have to cover? etc.
Believe me, the answer to all of these questions is - ALOT!!!!!!  It costs ALOT, the insurance covers ALOT, and I have to pay ALOT.  Even after the out of pocket maximum is satisfied, you still have to pay everything the insurance does not cover and any and all co-pays.  I've emptied my savings this year but have been able to keep on top of the costs so far pretty much.  So we'll see what happens when I get to claim all of that on our taxes this year! We will start over again next year with satisfying deductibles and out of pocket maximums, etc.  We figure the first Herceptin treatment in mid-January should get us there pretty quick. I really don't know how people without insurance do this! But don't worry, so far we're doing just fine.

While I've been home the last few weeks recovering, I've actually gotten a head start on the holidays.  Maybe this year I'll get everything done I'd like, HA HA!!  Wishful thinking I know, but I will keep trying!
I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season and if you're in the neighborhood, please, stop by and visit!
Thank you all again for your continued support, love, thoughts and prayers!
Happy Holidays!!
Love Nancy

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well, things are sloooooowly moving forward.  I faced my first day at work with my EXTREMELY short hair (wig-less).  I took the wig with me, just in case.  I was quite apprehensive my first few steps in the door, but my fantastic co-workers made me feel at ease right off the bat.  As I was walking into the building, I thought of Mary Nickles doing the very same thing but on the most popular morning TV news program.  And I thought if she can do it - so can I.  I had no idea I would be so emotional about it and that I would feel so much fear, but by today (2nd wig-less work day) it was no big deal.
I've had a couple more HR2 treatments and things went well.  However, the PA gave me more info about this whole process.  Such as, the chemo will take YEARS to get out of my system and I will have on and off episodes of the side effects until then, the neuropathy will continue off and on, and when I asked about my blood levels etc., she said I'm slowly gaining ground but "you'll never get back to where you were before".  That was something that I've never been told before and it just makes me want to work hard to at least get close!!
I had the 30 days after completing radiation doctor appt. yesterday.  My skin has healed well and I can start the re-construction process with my plastic surgeon.  I met with him about two weeks ago with him giving me interesting news, too.  He wants to redo my scar so I will get better end results, so he scheduled it of Sept. 25th. But I've got so much going on at work and Lance will be out of town that week that I've decided to reschedule it to mid-November but I don't know what day, expected recover time, etc. yet.  Then the loooong reconstruction process will start and everything will depend on how it goes from there.
Last Saturday I attended the Breast Cancer Survivors luncheon, with my sister, and Mary was the key note speaker.  I was amazed at what a great job she did!  She had us all laughing and crying at the same moment.   So of course, I had to get a pic with my chemo buddy and our short hair!  And she's only about six weeks ahead of me but her hair is really growing fast!! What an inspiration!
I understand I was on TV from this event and I'm even on Mary's facebook page.  I'll have to figure out a way to see it!
I'm feeling better everyday but still have a LONG way to go!
Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Love ya

Friday, August 24, 2012

Moving forward...

I've been doing really good with the radiation treatments - more of a lose of time than any physical problems.  My last treatment will be on Monday, Aug. 27th (Mom's birthday).  I'm getting a pretty good sunburn patch on the side of my neck and upper left chest area and a little fatigue but that's about it.  The sunburn may get a little worse the first week or so after completing radiation and then better after that.
Yesterday I had another echo (heart ultrasound) to check on the valve problem.  Got the results today and all looks good again which means I'm good to start the Herceptin treatments again.  WhooHoo!! So I had one this afternoon and the port problem resolved itself, too!!  So I'm moving forward again and feeling better all the time.  I just wish the chemo brain side effect would totally leave.  I lose a word that I know I know and it takes a few moments before I find it and get it out - very frustrating!!  I have so much more understanding for people's physical/mental dilemma's having had this experience!
In case you haven't heard, I'm going to be a grandma again!  Dexter and Melissa announced they are pregnant and due in early January!  This will be grandchild number seven! They have decided not to find out the sex of the baby this time which I think will be fun!!  Melissa will get a taste of what it used to be like for us older folks who did not have the opportunity to know what sex to plan or prepare for. I think it will be fun not knowing and even more exciting when we find out the day its born!!
I have four brothers and sisters that I'm so very grateful for today!  They have been my rock through this battle and I love them, their spouses, their children, their spouses and kids so much.  Besides their love and support, I've received gifts of all kinds, hand written letters, drawings, etc.  The sacrifice of their family time to support me through this battle and with the race for cure walk in May, was emotionally overwhelming.  I truly could not verbalize how I felt that day - some even walked in my name in other races going on in other cities and states!!  I'm so proud of our family and very grateful for all the things they have done for me!
Love you all!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ups and Downs?? Bummed!

It's a quick trip every weekday for a radiation treatment for five weeks and as of yesterday I have I week down and four to go.  I can literally arrive for treatment and walk out the door in 15 minutes!  So far no real issues or pain.  They say it will be like a bad sunburn the last couple of weeks and every person is different - so we'll see how it goes... I really like the nurses/radiation techs and my radiation doctor.  They are all really friendly and helped me feel really comfortable fast. I never thought I'd get so used to disrobing!
Last Friday I was scheduled for another Herceptin chemo treatment and met with the Physicians Assistant first to get the Echo cardiogram results.  The first thing she said was "We're going to post-pone the Herceptin treatments" which I quickly wanted to know why!  Evidently, the echo showed one of the valves in my heart is now not totally closing.  She said it can happen due to history of high cholesterol, heart problems, and if I remember right - high blood pressure, none of which I have.  It can also happen as people age (they live with it fine) or could it be from the Herceptin drug.
So we've cancelled chemotherapy for one month.  After that month, I will have another Echo to see if it is still there.  If it's healed, we can start treatment again.  If not, I will have additional heart tests, i.e., stress test, EKG, etc., to see if they can figure out if it's just due to aging or what.  So basically, I'm on hold for future chemo treatments (which if I figured it right is about another 8 or 9) until this gets figured out or healed. After the news about the heart issue, I fell into a totally BUMMED OUT mood!!!  But, I was quit thrilled to learn that I can continue the radiation treatments!!!!
The week prior I had started to feel so much better - more like myself - that I could really see the light at the end of the tunnel and had planned in my mind that by the first of next year this would all be done and over with.  Now, depending on results, this will continue well into next year which will incur more costs - deductibles and out of pocket maximums to meet again!! Nothing had hit me this hard since I had started all these treatments and could feel myself getting depressed.  Luckily, Lance could see this and planned a road trip the next day to help get my mind onto other things.  We looked for some recreational property and ended up very near my brothers cabin.  They happened to be and we were able to spend some time with them - which really helped me alot!  We don't get to see them often enough and we had a real good time! Thanks Deb and Lynn-love ya lots!!!!
This week I've been working this week and on my way home on day I suddenly remembered that the port is supposed to be flushed if you don't have a treatment.  So I had an appt. for that after the radiation treatment today.  But as things sometimes would flush but they're supposed to suck some blood out after they push in the flushing fluid and they couldn't get any.  Even another nurse tried and couldn't get it.  I don't know what's up with that!!!  They weren't too worried about it because they could get the fluid to go in - just nothing back out - so in another month, when it's determined if I'll have chemo treatment or not - they'll have to do something else to make it work again.  I'm hoping that's not too bad but I'm not going to worry about it until then!
You know how you have ups and downs?  Well, it's just been alot of downs for the past week but I try to pull myself back up cuz I KNOW it could be worse!!  Like they say - It's better then the alternative!!
until next time....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Next - Radiation...

Tomorrow is my first day of radiation. Then it will be everyday, M-F for five weeks. I'm a little nervous to get started but I'm sure I'll adapt quickly and long for it to be over.
Food is tasting much more normal finally.  Now I'll just have to make sure I don't try to taste everything! My hair is a little more than a half inch long with alot of white!  I'll blame that on the chemo, too, LOL!  The wig is very hot during the hot weather we've been having. So the family saw alot more hats and my bald head during our vacation but even the little ones got used to it quickly. I had them rub their hand over my head so they could feel how soft the new hair is.  They thought it felt funny and it was fun to watch them giggle about it.
On our vacation, we did a float down the river on a raft and I did alot of paddling.  I thought I'd be sore but I think my flabby muscles needed the work out and it actually felt good! The day we were in Jackson Hole was 97 degrees and the heat got to us all but we had lots of fun playing cards and games at night. 
My ankles continue to swell up cuz of the chemo still in my body. But it should happen less and less as the chemo works it way out. My energy level is increasing everyday but the stair climbing still gets to me.  The stomach issues from the chemo crop up now and again and I have to watch how often and what I eat.  
Thank you for your continued support and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Another one DOWN!

Last Friday brought another Dr. appt and Herceptin treatment.  I had another MRI June25 and was waiting for this appointment to get the results - Good News, nothing showed on the MRI - WhooHoo!!  Following that I went into the Chemo room for the Herceptin treatment, which is an 1.5 hour IV drip.  Pretty uneventful since there weren't many others there getting treatment and it emptied out while I was there.  This is my second chemo without Mary and the others there but my spirits are still high as I continue to feel stronger and better everyday!

We celebrated Brooklyn's 6th birthday last night.  I'm amazed at how fast the grand kids are growing up and am sooo looking forward to our vacation time together.  Brooklyn has an infectious smile and is so energetic! Melissa decorated everything so cute (as always) with colored netting, ribbons, etc.  What I would have given for a birthday celebration that cool when I was a kid!!  She does so many wonderful things for their kids! I'm so glad she's able to be home with them and do it all (hopefully, her energy will hold out for a few more years, LOL)  We had cupcakes and ice cream and pink chocolate covered strawberries.  Brooklyn opened her gifts - necklace, earrings, sidewalk chalk and a bubble machine.  Dext got the bubble machine going and the kids had fun running around popping the mass of bubbles - and we had fun watching!

Hope all is well you with - and wishing healing and comfort to Caren.
Love you all