Thursday, March 22, 2012

Much Better Week....

I spent last weekend really resting up and stocking up on groceries for next week.  I went in to work on Tuesday and by the end of the day, I was actually starting to feel better.  By Thursday I was feeling and acting more myself - just in time for the next round!

I want to go do this round of chemo by myself.  Yes, I do think it is a control thing - I need to feel I have control of something and this may be the last time I'll feel this way, but I hope not!!  Peggy will be taking me to the ones that I don't feel I can drive to myself - I'm hoping that might not be until the last one, but we'll play it by ear.

Peggy checked into the Race for the Cure Walk/Run for me and it's scheduled for May 12th.  This falls only 8 days after my second to the last chemo treatment but I'm determined to be there and hopefully I'll be able to do some of the walk.  However, I'm pretty sure I won't make the whole walk - unless things start getting better instead of worse each treatment. :)

We hope to create a team and we'll let you know the name, details, etc. on this blog in the coming weeks. I do know it has a $45 registration fee that goes to support cancer research.  I'd love any of you, my fantastic support team, who's available and would like to do this as a member of my team to sign up and join in this fantastic event!!  The more the merrier!!!

Thanks for reading this blog and for your support in my battle!!!
Love ya all!

P.S. To my brother Lynn, I'm doing great!! The chemo is doing what's is supposed to do to kill the cancer cells. Please try not to worry about me!!  I know I am beating this!! It's just going to take a while. Love ya!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The After Effect...

Well, this week I'd hoped to start feeling better.  I was scheduled for a fairly important meeting at work Monday and was trying to make it, but when I got up that morning it just wasn't happening.  So when I found out it had been cancelled, I went back to bed and felt alot better after a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I was able to go to work the rest of the week but was pretty tired by the end of the day Friday.
I had my "NADIR" appt. Friday afternoon where they look at my blood counts.  I knew they would be lower but was a little shocked at just how much lower they were.  I was advised that after future chemo rounds, if they go below certain levels, I may have to have a transfusion to bring them up so I can do another round.  I knew this was a possibility while going through this but didn't think it would be happening so soon. I'll let you know if/when this happens.
I've had nausea side effects this time and at the appt. they told me to take the anti-nausea meds starting two days after the treatment and to continue on an schedule to help avoid this.  So this is the plan for next time.
I think I've finally learned when to take what so that I'm not too uncomfortable next time - I guess we'll see....
So this coming week should be a good week and I'll do another round on Friday afternoon.
Thanks again for all your support!!
Love ya!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Chemo Countdown #5

Last Friday, March 2, I had another chemo treatment.  My wonderful sister (in-law) Debbie, was with me throughout the long 3.5 hour ordeal that actually lasted more like 5 hrs.  Watching while a different nurse tried to start the IV, which was a no go.  Luckily, they usually only try once, maybe twice, and then pass off to another nurse.  So when it didn't work, I requested, Doug, (who did it last time and was so gentle!) who didn't mind and said I could request him anytime!  That guys really got the knack but did say that sometimes they all may have a bad day, but he'd let me know if he was having one.
Once that was started another nurse came and gave me info on a port and that I could decide at anytime to have one, but I'm going to wait until I really need it - my choice!  The nurses there are just such a basket of good information, that I think Deb got some great tips for her son who takes insulin!  Let me know if they helped, Deb!  We also got to catch up on what's going on with our kids and such.  It was really nice to get to talk together! My sister in-laws are just like my sisters - the BEST!!!  Thanks Deb!
The Doc changed my anti-nausea IV drug since the last one gave me such insomnia and headaches, so I was cautious about what would lie ahead from that....
That day JoAnn and Randy came in from Georgia and since I was going to be going nowhere for the next few days, I left them my car to drive while in town for Randy's mother's birthday.  They, Paul and Caren, Peggy, Kellie, Ky and baby Daltrey (sp?) all came over to visit and play games on Saturday night.  We had pizza, munchies and lots of fun together.  It was really nice since we don't get together as much anymore.
Dexter and family and Joe made it too!  I had a really good time - thank you all for coming and keeping my mind busy!
Sunday wasn't too bad but had some queasiness so took the anti-nausea pills too. Monday was the Nuelasta shot - (nu-nasty shot!!)  Luckily, Peggy had time and took me in for it and we stopped for a bite too!  Thanks sis!  I'm so lucky for such wonderful support!! I think I'm going to feel alright and then when the day comes, I don't always feel as good as I'd hoped.  So thanks for letting me call at the drop of a hat!
The rest of this week's just been lots of  the fun side effects.  The newest and worst so far this week has been the smell sensitivity.  I don't think my sense of smell was this sensitive when I was pregnant!!  I have a new mattress and new pillow and they put off the worst weird smell ever and it was really getting to me - ugh!!  So Lance picked up some FeBreeze on his way home from work to save me from moving beyond the nausea stage!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
I had decided I was not going to go to work this week unless I was feeling totally up to it - not going to push it anymore!!  By Monday, I should feel alot better and ready to tackle the challenges of the whole week (hopefully!)  Every round of chemo I learn what to do differently so the next one can go a little smoother.  But because of the chemo brain - I have to write it on the calendar so I know when to take what!  Kinda new for a non-pill taker!!
So basically, this weeks been one more chemo closer to the end!!  Woo-Hoo!!! Two down, four to go....
If you can get your comments to take, I'd love to hear from all of you!! Thank you again for all your thoughts, prayers, cards and letters!!
I love you all!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Healthy-feel good week??

Well, I wanted to wait to post this blog until we did the hair loss - cutting experience so it's been awhile, sorry.
This week was supposed to be the feel good, etc. week and then I caught a cold - bummer!  I don't even know where I could have caught it from, so I guess that shows how susceptible my immune system is getting.  So don't be offended if you visit me and I ask you to wash and use hand sanitizer - just being cautious.

I really over did it on Tuesday, though.  I worked all day (10 hrs + 2 hrs commuting) and then attended the American Cancer Society class I had missed a few weeks ago.  I had enough time after work to stop home and grab some dinner and rest for about 20 min. My day was about 14-15 hrs. Pushing it to say the least!  But I got about 5.5 hrs sleep and thought I'd be ok.  Oh, yeah, this was the first day of wearing a wig, too!

So on Wednesday I was having a tough day dealing with the wig again - it was really itching that day!  And I was pretty tired, had a hard time concentrating and staying awake!  My pour co-worker, great supporter and wonderful friend, Linda.  I know I was really annoying her all day, but she really takes it all in stride!  Thanks, Linda for putting up with me on these kind of days!!  So I've slept more and ate and drank correctly today in anticipation of chemo #2 tomorrow.  I know, I know put myself first - that's why I went to the class!  But I won't do that long of a day again til I'm done with all this - I promise!!

Anyway, we had the kids and grand kids over last Sunday for the official "Shave Off".  My cameras pics are kinda blurry but I'll include them until I get some of Melissa's which should be better.  We actually had a really good time doing this and included the little ones to make sure I wouldn't scare them with no hair.  Hadley has a Rapunzel dress up wig so she really liked my new wig and wanted me to wear it most of the time.  I don't blame her, the bald head scares me a little too!!  I think I must have gotten used to the idea, after the large handfuls of hair starting coming out, I was glad to do it!  Now I wish the little stubs would fall out fast cuz they ITCH LIKE MAD!!  It will happen soon enough.....
I cut a lock from the sides first for myself,
Brooklyn, Hadley and Sammie to save.  Then let Lance start the with clippers.

Dexter does his hair with the clippers so we had him finish up by cleaning up the edges.

Then I did Lance's - I think he was more nervous than I was!!

Then Joe finally got there and he had a new puppy. This is how much  the kids just love animals!
That's where Joe needs to take it when it needs attention!!
Joey maybe starting to get the infamous Harker/Thomas hairline
BUT he still has thicker hair than any of us!!  And the clippers let you know it real fast!!
I don't know how - but I missed getting pic's of Jesse's haircut.
Dexter did it for him and he's been wanting a haircut like his uncle Dexters for a couple of years.
So I think he's pretty happy with it!

Here we all are with super short hair!  Too bad they'll have to have
more haircuts to keep it this way.  Mine won't grow back until about the end of June!

Me and my tall boys!! What a great support team I have!!!
Love ya All so much!!!
And Tah-Dah!  This is the new wig.
I really like the color and style so if I don't get tired of it,
this may be what I grow it out to be like -  NEXT FALL/WINTER!!!

Gotta get to bed to be rested for Chemo#2 tomorrow!
I have the best supporters I could have ever dreamed of! 
Thank you all for your emails, well-wishes, etc. and remember to be good to each other!!