Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Progressing Forward...

Some things progress so slowly that it's hard to sit and write about it.  So here's where I'm at today....

I had scar correction surgery with tissue re-arrangement on November 15, and all went well. I am home recovering and will return to work next week. My hair is getting thicker but is really taking its sweet time growing.  But it's nice to have it back no matter how short it is!! (Mom would like it so short!)

The reconstruction option I've chosen to try is a new alternative and I believe my plastic surgeon is one of only a few in Utah who has been trained in this new fat grafting procedure.  He actually went and trained under the doctor who created it a couple of years ago. When I first met my Dr. last year, he only had five patients who had chosen this option.  One of which was a patient who had done alot of research and asked him to look into it. He had seen it at a medical event and was interested in the results, so he researched it further, was very excited with the results they were achieving and pursued it.
This option is not as invasive but is a loooooong sloooooow process and will continue throughout the coming year.  I will have a fat grafting procedure every few months until we get the desired outcome.  However, depending on each procedures outcome, if the doc and I don't feel we are going to get our expected results, I have three other fall back options I can opt into at any time.  Nice to have options that I didn't realize were available and that insurance does cover.
That does bring up the insurance coverage question that I'm sure you've all wondered about - like how much this stuff really costs? - how much does the insurance cover? - how much do you have to cover? etc.
Believe me, the answer to all of these questions is - ALOT!!!!!!  It costs ALOT, the insurance covers ALOT, and I have to pay ALOT.  Even after the out of pocket maximum is satisfied, you still have to pay everything the insurance does not cover and any and all co-pays.  I've emptied my savings this year but have been able to keep on top of the costs so far pretty much.  So we'll see what happens when I get to claim all of that on our taxes this year! We will start over again next year with satisfying deductibles and out of pocket maximums, etc.  We figure the first Herceptin treatment in mid-January should get us there pretty quick. I really don't know how people without insurance do this! But don't worry, so far we're doing just fine.

While I've been home the last few weeks recovering, I've actually gotten a head start on the holidays.  Maybe this year I'll get everything done I'd like, HA HA!!  Wishful thinking I know, but I will keep trying!
I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season and if you're in the neighborhood, please, stop by and visit!
Thank you all again for your continued support, love, thoughts and prayers!
Happy Holidays!!
Love Nancy

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well, things are sloooooowly moving forward.  I faced my first day at work with my EXTREMELY short hair (wig-less).  I took the wig with me, just in case.  I was quite apprehensive my first few steps in the door, but my fantastic co-workers made me feel at ease right off the bat.  As I was walking into the building, I thought of Mary Nickles doing the very same thing but on the most popular morning TV news program.  And I thought if she can do it - so can I.  I had no idea I would be so emotional about it and that I would feel so much fear, but by today (2nd wig-less work day) it was no big deal.
I've had a couple more HR2 treatments and things went well.  However, the PA gave me more info about this whole process.  Such as, the chemo will take YEARS to get out of my system and I will have on and off episodes of the side effects until then, the neuropathy will continue off and on, and when I asked about my blood levels etc., she said I'm slowly gaining ground but "you'll never get back to where you were before".  That was something that I've never been told before and it just makes me want to work hard to at least get close!!
I had the 30 days after completing radiation doctor appt. yesterday.  My skin has healed well and I can start the re-construction process with my plastic surgeon.  I met with him about two weeks ago with him giving me interesting news, too.  He wants to redo my scar so I will get better end results, so he scheduled it of Sept. 25th. But I've got so much going on at work and Lance will be out of town that week that I've decided to reschedule it to mid-November but I don't know what day, expected recover time, etc. yet.  Then the loooong reconstruction process will start and everything will depend on how it goes from there.
Last Saturday I attended the Breast Cancer Survivors luncheon, with my sister, and Mary was the key note speaker.  I was amazed at what a great job she did!  She had us all laughing and crying at the same moment.   So of course, I had to get a pic with my chemo buddy and our short hair!  And she's only about six weeks ahead of me but her hair is really growing fast!! What an inspiration!
I understand I was on TV from this event and I'm even on Mary's facebook page.  I'll have to figure out a way to see it!
I'm feeling better everyday but still have a LONG way to go!
Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Love ya

Friday, August 24, 2012

Moving forward...

I've been doing really good with the radiation treatments - more of a lose of time than any physical problems.  My last treatment will be on Monday, Aug. 27th (Mom's birthday).  I'm getting a pretty good sunburn patch on the side of my neck and upper left chest area and a little fatigue but that's about it.  The sunburn may get a little worse the first week or so after completing radiation and then better after that.
Yesterday I had another echo (heart ultrasound) to check on the valve problem.  Got the results today and all looks good again which means I'm good to start the Herceptin treatments again.  WhooHoo!! So I had one this afternoon and the port problem resolved itself, too!!  So I'm moving forward again and feeling better all the time.  I just wish the chemo brain side effect would totally leave.  I lose a word that I know I know and it takes a few moments before I find it and get it out - very frustrating!!  I have so much more understanding for people's physical/mental dilemma's having had this experience!
In case you haven't heard, I'm going to be a grandma again!  Dexter and Melissa announced they are pregnant and due in early January!  This will be grandchild number seven! They have decided not to find out the sex of the baby this time which I think will be fun!!  Melissa will get a taste of what it used to be like for us older folks who did not have the opportunity to know what sex to plan or prepare for. I think it will be fun not knowing and even more exciting when we find out the day its born!!
I have four brothers and sisters that I'm so very grateful for today!  They have been my rock through this battle and I love them, their spouses, their children, their spouses and kids so much.  Besides their love and support, I've received gifts of all kinds, hand written letters, drawings, etc.  The sacrifice of their family time to support me through this battle and with the race for cure walk in May, was emotionally overwhelming.  I truly could not verbalize how I felt that day - some even walked in my name in other races going on in other cities and states!!  I'm so proud of our family and very grateful for all the things they have done for me!
Love you all!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ups and Downs?? Bummed!

It's a quick trip every weekday for a radiation treatment for five weeks and as of yesterday I have I week down and four to go.  I can literally arrive for treatment and walk out the door in 15 minutes!  So far no real issues or pain.  They say it will be like a bad sunburn the last couple of weeks and every person is different - so we'll see how it goes... I really like the nurses/radiation techs and my radiation doctor.  They are all really friendly and helped me feel really comfortable fast. I never thought I'd get so used to disrobing!
Last Friday I was scheduled for another Herceptin chemo treatment and met with the Physicians Assistant first to get the Echo cardiogram results.  The first thing she said was "We're going to post-pone the Herceptin treatments" which I quickly wanted to know why!  Evidently, the echo showed one of the valves in my heart is now not totally closing.  She said it can happen due to history of high cholesterol, heart problems, and if I remember right - high blood pressure, none of which I have.  It can also happen as people age (they live with it fine) or could it be from the Herceptin drug.
So we've cancelled chemotherapy for one month.  After that month, I will have another Echo to see if it is still there.  If it's healed, we can start treatment again.  If not, I will have additional heart tests, i.e., stress test, EKG, etc., to see if they can figure out if it's just due to aging or what.  So basically, I'm on hold for future chemo treatments (which if I figured it right is about another 8 or 9) until this gets figured out or healed. After the news about the heart issue, I fell into a totally BUMMED OUT mood!!!  But, I was quit thrilled to learn that I can continue the radiation treatments!!!!
The week prior I had started to feel so much better - more like myself - that I could really see the light at the end of the tunnel and had planned in my mind that by the first of next year this would all be done and over with.  Now, depending on results, this will continue well into next year which will incur more costs - deductibles and out of pocket maximums to meet again!! Nothing had hit me this hard since I had started all these treatments and could feel myself getting depressed.  Luckily, Lance could see this and planned a road trip the next day to help get my mind onto other things.  We looked for some recreational property and ended up very near my brothers cabin.  They happened to be and we were able to spend some time with them - which really helped me alot!  We don't get to see them often enough and we had a real good time! Thanks Deb and Lynn-love ya lots!!!!
This week I've been working this week and on my way home on day I suddenly remembered that the port is supposed to be flushed if you don't have a treatment.  So I had an appt. for that after the radiation treatment today.  But as things sometimes go....it would flush but they're supposed to suck some blood out after they push in the flushing fluid and they couldn't get any.  Even another nurse tried and couldn't get it.  I don't know what's up with that!!!  They weren't too worried about it because they could get the fluid to go in - just nothing back out - so in another month, when it's determined if I'll have chemo treatment or not - they'll have to do something else to make it work again.  I'm hoping that's not too bad but I'm not going to worry about it until then!
You know how you have ups and downs?  Well, it's just been alot of downs for the past week but I try to pull myself back up cuz I KNOW it could be worse!!  Like they say - It's better then the alternative!!
until next time....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Next - Radiation...

Tomorrow is my first day of radiation. Then it will be everyday, M-F for five weeks. I'm a little nervous to get started but I'm sure I'll adapt quickly and long for it to be over.
Food is tasting much more normal finally.  Now I'll just have to make sure I don't try to taste everything! My hair is a little more than a half inch long with alot of white!  I'll blame that on the chemo, too, LOL!  The wig is very hot during the hot weather we've been having. So the family saw alot more hats and my bald head during our vacation but even the little ones got used to it quickly. I had them rub their hand over my head so they could feel how soft the new hair is.  They thought it felt funny and it was fun to watch them giggle about it.
On our vacation, we did a float down the river on a raft and I did alot of paddling.  I thought I'd be sore but I think my flabby muscles needed the work out and it actually felt good! The day we were in Jackson Hole was 97 degrees and the heat got to us all but we had lots of fun playing cards and games at night. 
My ankles continue to swell up cuz of the chemo still in my body. But it should happen less and less as the chemo works it way out. My energy level is increasing everyday but the stair climbing still gets to me.  The stomach issues from the chemo crop up now and again and I have to watch how often and what I eat.  
Thank you for your continued support and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Another one DOWN!

Last Friday brought another Dr. appt and Herceptin treatment.  I had another MRI June25 and was waiting for this appointment to get the results - Good News, nothing showed on the MRI - WhooHoo!!  Following that I went into the Chemo room for the Herceptin treatment, which is an 1.5 hour IV drip.  Pretty uneventful since there weren't many others there getting treatment and it emptied out while I was there.  This is my second chemo without Mary and the others there but my spirits are still high as I continue to feel stronger and better everyday!

We celebrated Brooklyn's 6th birthday last night.  I'm amazed at how fast the grand kids are growing up and am sooo looking forward to our vacation time together.  Brooklyn has an infectious smile and is so energetic! Melissa decorated everything so cute (as always) with colored netting, ribbons, etc.  What I would have given for a birthday celebration that cool when I was a kid!!  She does so many wonderful things for their kids! I'm so glad she's able to be home with them and do it all (hopefully, her energy will hold out for a few more years, LOL)  We had cupcakes and ice cream and pink chocolate covered strawberries.  Brooklyn opened her gifts - necklace, earrings, sidewalk chalk and a bubble machine.  Dext got the bubble machine going and the kids had fun running around popping the mass of bubbles - and we had fun watching!

Hope all is well you with - and wishing healing and comfort to Caren.
Love you all

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

I haven't written since shortly after my last chemo but wanted to let you all know - I'm finally starting to feel more like myself everyday!!  Now if I can just get some strength back but I guess that entails exercise -  well, that's not gonna happen for awhile! I'm trying to enjoy as much summertime as I can before I start radiation in a few more weeks.
My taste is not back to 100% yet and the neuropathy is still giving me issues. But all in all, I'm feeling pretty good and people tell me I'm looking alot better!  (I guess I had the horrible chemo patient look for a while there.)  I have a Dr. appt. this Friday, so I'm hoping he will say that it will steadily improve!  I don't think quite as fast yet - believe me it's been tested alot at work lately!
We're doing a parade and BBQ today and I'm excited to be out among you all again!!
Have a wonderful holiday and hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Weak After...

They told me each chemo treatment would get progressively worse.  So I was bracing myself for it - but pleasantly surprised that Chemo #5 actually hit me harder than this last one - Yahoo!!  I was even able to make it to Lance's best friend, Ron's wedding last Saturday.  I really wasn't expecting to feel good enough to go.  I' m sure glad I was able to attend!

I met with my radiation Dr. the day before my last chemo.  Dr. Sase (sause) is a very compassionate doctor.  He's really good at reassuring me that everything will be OK. The radiation tech's zeroed in on the area to be radiated, lining up the lasers and then marking me with about eight tiny tatoo dots so they will be able to line the lasers up for each treatment correctly.  And yes, I'd say six of the eight tatoo dots hurt!!  However, that area may be a little on the sensitive side.

We also set the schedule for my radiation treatments.  I need 24 treatments and they said it works best if they are consecutive weeks.  Our family vacation falls right in the middle of the radiation schedule. I had booked the vacation before all this started and I can't change the dates. So the radiation is M-F for five weeks starting July 23rd-Aug. 24th with a day off for July 24th.  The Dr. felt this would work best considering our vacation, the afternoon appt. time slot I prefer, etc.  Otherwise, I would have had to start the treatments right away and  wouldn't feel very good on our vacation.  So, by waiting, I will have about seven weeks to recover from the chemo before starting the radiation treatments. I was hesitant to agree to this at first, because I so want to get this done right away.  But I had a few minutes in the radiation tube to think about it and everything pointed to doing it later.  And I'm excited to start feeling better soon!!!

I emailed Mary to see how she is doing and asked her to let me know how much of the side effects had started to subside as it's been about five weeks since her last chemo.  She said her taste had come back 100% - I so can't wait for that!!  That is one of the hardest parts of this cuz nothing tastes normal or good!  And I absolutely mean NOTHING!!!!!  And yet you have to force yourself to eat to gain any strength back, AND it makes you GAIN weight!  Even Mary was bummed at the weight gain but she said she's already lost almost half of it - Yay, way to go!!  The neuropathy, though, had still not decreased for her.  This is like nerve damage to your toes, feet, fingers and hands.  Makes it hard to find shoes that don't hurt, hard to walk much, hard to button shirts, etc.  I'm currently taking additional med's to mask this, which has made it tolerable enough to wear shoes to work but hard to do much walking around.  The doctors say it can take several months for this to go away or it can be permanent.  So I'm hoping as the weeks go by it will decrease in severity but I'll have to wait and see.  Luckily, I can still type without much discomfort - just lost of errors!

Thanks for reading this blog - I love to read your comments!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Last Bad Chemo - Yahoo!!

Yesterday, I had my last of the six rounds of chemo that gives me the bad side effects - Yahoo and major celebration time!  I was pretty excited to get this done and ring that bell!!!  They said I rang that bell pretty good and there were people in the hallway even giving me a thumbs up!!

There was also another gal there after me finishing up her last treatment and she was going to get to ring the bell when she was done.  I guess my excitement and ringing the bell gave her daughter who was with her a rush of emotion and she just lost it and started crying.  So I went over and gave her a hug and told her how exciting this was and it was a good thing, so she kinda changed to tears of excitement and joy.  Then I congratulated her mom and wished her well. She was still hooked up to the IV's and probably around my age.

Another chemo friend, Vicki the school teacher, was having her last treatment that day and finished shortly after I got there!!  She is another amazing woman I've met on this journey!  She has only missed 4 days of teaching while doing these treatments!!  But shared a story of a day of running back and forth to the teachers restroom facilities!  She's quite the trooper!! Her son and daughter were there to celebrate with her, Friday!! So I snapped a few pics of her bell ringing celebration!

Vicki is doing the same chemo I am, except she goes in a little earlier than I do but I hope we will still be able to catch each other for a few minutes every three weeks while having our Herceptin IVs.

This was also the first time to get the whole effect of using the port I had put in last time.  Much easier that trying to get a good vein in my arm!  I'm definitely glad I had the port put in and should have done it much early!

Mary Nickles was doing a radiation treatment that afternoon, too.  The radiation room is on the first floor right under the chemo treatment room on the second floor.  So she came up for a quick visit with me after her treatment before running off to her kids sports games.  She is such an inspiration to me and just enough ahead of me in treatments that she passes along info on how she's handling the next new treatment and what I'm in for.  It helps to know this cuz there is so much new unknown stuff!!

I just received a wonder flower bouquet from my dear sweet jr. high school friend, Sheila and her husband!  She sends me an inspirational card almost every week!  I can't thank you enough for the weekly spirit lift it brings me!  Love you Lots!!

Thank you all for your love and support - It's really does help me get through the down days!  Which is this next couple of weeks of the last of the bad side effects!!

Signing off to go get the last of my Nulasta (new nasty) shots!
Love you All!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chemo Countdown #2 and Race for the Cure

I had my second to the last chemo treatment on Friday, May 4th.  It was quite the event as it was Mary Nickles last chemo and our friend, Sherri's last chemo.  So the bell ringing was pretty exciting for them and me!!  (You may have even caught a glimpse of me with Mary on the news!! Not the 15 minutes of fame I'd hoped for...) However, the week following has been less than fun!  More severe side effects and alot of muscle weakness!  I just kept looking forward to the Race for the Cure event.

I am amazed by your support and saw more and more people signing up and donating to the cure that last week before the race.  I'm so humbled and in awe of your support and generosity that I am at a lack of words to express how grateful I am to you all.  (Chemo brain does not help with this either!)
There were over seventy people signed up to walk in support on my team!  How inspiring is that!!!! That day I was so overwhelmed with emotion (I try very hard not to let the emotion get in the way of fighting this battle) that I was not very good at expressing that to all of you, my team supporters!  But I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank you enough!!
I don't know how many of you were able to see the survivors parade at the end of the race but it was so awesome!! I wasn't planning on being in the parade but my chemo buddy Mary Nickles was holding the "Newly Diagnosed" sign leading the parade and inspired me to try!  She is so gracious and inspiring to all of us in this category.

I'll add more pics of the race when I get more from all of you who took them while there.  It was an exciting event but exhausting at the same time!  You can also see pics on our Facebook event page, I think it's called Nancy's Race for the Cure??  You know I'm not on Facebook so I really don't know but Peggy or Kellie should be able to help you get to it.
Thank you so much for your support to all who were there, and hopefully we helped raise awareness for early detection, and money to find the cure!
Signing off from my EZ chair!
Thank you all!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Race for the Cure Info

The Race for the Cure event - May 12, 2012
We've scheduled to meet in front of the new Questar Center Bldg to memorialize this event by taking a few group photos.  Plan on being there at 7:30 a.m. sharp to finish by 7:45a.m.  Then it's only 1 block to the warm up/starting line on 500 South State.  There is a convenient pay parking lot just south of the meeting place. However the race is expecting a large crowd and recommends being there early if not riding TRAX in. This site won't let me post a map but I'll email it to those I have email addresses for.
Thank you so much for supporting my team by signing up for the Race for the Cure and/or making a donation to our team!  Your support is overhelming and I can't thank you enough!!
I hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Get Ready!

This last treatment's side effects weren't quit as intense as in the past.  However, they keep telling me it gets worse with each one.  I've come home from work a little early the last two days as my legs and ankles have been swelling.  So I come home to lay down and prop em up higher than my heart!  But I haven't had as much nausea or insomnia. This week I've been trying to prepare mentally for the next one, tomorrow, as well as getting the house stocked with groceries, etc.

Mary Nickles emailed me that she will have a camera crew there so I may want to "wear your nice wig"!  I was glad for the advance notice!  I'm so excited for her last one!!  I'm sure we'll all be celebrating with her!  Then next time I get to celebrate!!!!!

I'll let you know how it goes in another week!  I'm hoping to feel good for the race on the 12th!

Thanks for your prayers and continued support!!

Love ya!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Chemo Countdown #3

Last Friday I had my fourth chemo treatment.  I meet Lance there and saw one of the PA's who I tell all the side effects I had with the last chemo and they tell you what to take or do to try to alleviate or reduce them.  I have also had several discussions about putting in a port.  That eliminates them trying to put the IV's into a vein in the one and only arm that can be used for that for the rest of my life.  My veins in that arm aren't as easy to get the IV into and the more times it's stuck the worse the veins get.  So I've scheduled the morning of my next treatment to have a port put in.  It takes about 4 hours to put it in and then after that I have my second to the last chemo scheduled.  So I will basically be at the hospital that whole day.  I bet you want to spend your Friday that way too - ah, come on, you know you do!!

The side effects this time have actually not been as bad as previous treatments and I'm feeling pretty good - other than I can't find much that tastes good, I still have occasional diarrhea, headaches, insomnia, neuropathy on feet/toes and chemo brain effects.  All in all, not too bad, considering...

In the chemo treatment room, there's a bell on the wall where you enter and exit. When someone finishes their last chemo treatment, the nurses have a little ritual. They give them a bottle of sparkling cider and the patient rings the bell, usually pretty vigorously.  So whenever you hear the bell, everyone gets a little spark of excitement.  I had only heard the bell previous to last Friday, one time.  That was while I was in an exam room with a PA who explained the event cuz she actually listens for the bell and gets pretty thrilled about it.

During the last chemo, I actually got to see this event as one lady finished her treatments. Another gal I have visited with at chemo (I can't remember her name - chemo brain!) received news that day that she is in remission!  We were all so excited for her!  So next chemo day, she will be ringing the bell.  It will be Mary Nickles last treatment that day, too, and she will be ringing the bell.  I think the energy I get from these events will help me endure my last chemo, which will be the next chemo treatment after theirs and I'll be ringing the bell!!!!!!!  Then I found out that I actually will ring the bell twice.  The first time will be the one described above on May 25.  Then I will continue to have chemo every three weeks with the cancer cell targeted drug (herceptin) until January 4th or 11th (chemo brain again) and I'll ring the bell again then.  (This is the drug with the rare heart side effect but not all the other good side effects so I can continue on without much discomfort.)

I'll be going back to work next week where I'm finally getting back my own office space with walls and a door and won't have to be sharing with three others - Woohoo!  (the three others are as thrilled as I am)  We've made the cramped space work for the project we had to do but it's definitely time to move on!  However, I will miss the little chats with my closest office mate, Linda.  But our new offices are across from each other and Dianna will be closer to us, too.

I want to thank each of you who have registered or donated to the race for the cure!  When I go in and see all of you who are supporting me, I am in awe and truly humbled by your support!  I'm looking forward to that day and seeing you there.  This week, I will be looking into a spot to meet before the race for a few pictures to memorialize the event.  I'll let you know the particulars when I get it set up and any parking suggestions.

I truly can't thank each one of you enough for the love and support you give me - it really does help me get through the bad days, more than you know!

Love you all!

Monday, April 9, 2012


This past week I've been at work.  The first day I only worked 5 hours, then 8 hours the next day and 10 hrs on Thursday.  So I eventually get built up to a full day.  Good thing I've been there for 27 years and have lots of vacation saved up!

Peggy has gone into the Susan G. Komen site and set up our team for the Race for the Cure on May 12th (Mother's Day weekend, sorry).  Our team name if "Nancy's Knockouts".  So if you want to join our team, you can google Race for the Cure SLC and you'll get to the site. Then be sure to click on the bar on the right side that says "Join A Team", then search for our team name.  If you don't put it in exactly right it won't pull up, so I just put in Nancy.  That pulls up all the team names that start with Nancy, and then it's easy to find.  Click on the team name and register to do the walk/run or to make a donation.  There is a 1 mile or a 5K walk/run and the cost for adults is $35 not $45.  The site is pretty self explanatory but if you need help you can email myself or Peggy, or comment on this blog.

I'm so looking forward to doing this race, but it will be the week after my 5th chemo so I'll have to play it by ear and hope that I'm feeling up to it.  Thanks to all of you who may able to attend this race, and to all of you for supporting me through this!

Gearing up for another chemo treatment this Friday!

Love ya!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chemo Countdown #4

This is the half-way mark - WoHoo!

I had my third chemo, Friday, March 23.  I had decided to do this one by myself.  Lance took me and met with the Dr with me.  Then after the IV got started he ran and got us some lunch and then went back to work.  This time the IV really hurt which I've never had happen before.  Doug who did the IV said he must have hit a nerve bed-they can't tell where those are.  So I had a pretty bruised hand until about two days ago but it only hurt at the time he did the IV, not after words at all.  Just looked bad!

The Dr decided to add an additional anti-nausea IV on top of the one I normally get - which adds another 30 min. So by the time I got all the IV's loaded into me that day, it was 6:00 p.m. before we got out of there.  But we decided that was a good thing, cuz we had hoped to miss most of the traffic going home.

The first week after the chemo is usually when I have the most side effects. So this first part of the week I pretty much knew what to expect and it didn't seem too bad.  I starting to feel a little better on Thursday afternoon.  I was even thinking I might go to work on Friday if I woke up feeling good.  So when I woke up feeling not so spunky, I thought I'd go the store and pick up a few needed groceries and stop at the credit union.  But after showering and trying to get some breakfast down, I just wasn't feeling it.  I hadn't been out all week and thought - just go and the sunshine might help....  I made it to the credit union but after circling the store parking lot, just gave up and went back home. Then the gastrointestinal side effects kicked in.

While all this was going on during the week, Lance came home from work on Monday really sick and said a bunch of people at his work were all sick too. So he quarantined himself to the front bath and bedroom and I stayed locked up in the master.  I used an entire container of disinfecting wipes that week, having one in each hand every time I went into the kitchen to get anything.  So to say the least, this has been a difficult week!!

Lance kept going to work all week and started feeling like he was getting better about Thursday-Friday.  I can still hear it in his voice though so I'm keeping up my guard.  Last night I started to feel congested and woke up with a sore throat so we'll have to see what this week brings....

Both Dexter and Joe came to visit me Saturday.  I guess they could hear how I was feeling in my voice during phone calls that week and they definitely worry too much!  So we talked about our summer vacation plans to Island Park, Idaho, which I love to look forward to.  Some of Dexters kids have been sick so Melissa and kids stayed home.  Joe and Kia stopped on their way home from a motorcycle ride.  Jesse called last night and I enlisted him to continue the yard work we did together last year.  I knew I wouldn't have the strength to take care of it this year and was worried how to get it done.  So Thank you so much Jesse!!!

This week is also the week we normally go to Moab for the Easter Jeep Safari.  I had hoped I'd feel good enough to go and maybe just stay in camp.  But I don't think it's a good idea to be confined in the truck and camper with Lance as he's getting over this crap his been sick with.  Good thing there's next year!!

Sorry for the delay in posting info.  Hopefully this will be a week of starting to feel better - just in time to go back to work - ugh!

A special HAPPY BIRTHDAY shut-out to my brother Lynn today!!  Happy what 59 or 60??  Wow, does time fly or what?  Look forward to seeing you and Deb soon!  Have a wonderful birthday!!

Love to all!

P.S. Mary Nickles blog dated March 29th, really describes what it's like to go into public while going through this battle.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Much Better Week....

I spent last weekend really resting up and stocking up on groceries for next week.  I went in to work on Tuesday and by the end of the day, I was actually starting to feel better.  By Thursday I was feeling and acting more myself - just in time for the next round!

I want to go do this round of chemo by myself.  Yes, I do think it is a control thing - I need to feel I have control of something and this may be the last time I'll feel this way, but I hope not!!  Peggy will be taking me to the ones that I don't feel I can drive to myself - I'm hoping that might not be until the last one, but we'll play it by ear.

Peggy checked into the Race for the Cure Walk/Run for me and it's scheduled for May 12th.  This falls only 8 days after my second to the last chemo treatment but I'm determined to be there and hopefully I'll be able to do some of the walk.  However, I'm pretty sure I won't make the whole walk - unless things start getting better instead of worse each treatment. :)

We hope to create a team and we'll let you know the name, details, etc. on this blog in the coming weeks. I do know it has a $45 registration fee that goes to support cancer research.  I'd love any of you, my fantastic support team, who's available and would like to do this as a member of my team to sign up and join in this fantastic event!!  The more the merrier!!!

Thanks for reading this blog and for your support in my battle!!!
Love ya all!

P.S. To my brother Lynn, I'm doing great!! The chemo is doing what's is supposed to do to kill the cancer cells. Please try not to worry about me!!  I know I am beating this!! It's just going to take a while. Love ya!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The After Effect...

Well, this week I'd hoped to start feeling better.  I was scheduled for a fairly important meeting at work Monday and was trying to make it, but when I got up that morning it just wasn't happening.  So when I found out it had been cancelled, I went back to bed and felt alot better after a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I was able to go to work the rest of the week but was pretty tired by the end of the day Friday.
I had my "NADIR" appt. Friday afternoon where they look at my blood counts.  I knew they would be lower but was a little shocked at just how much lower they were.  I was advised that after future chemo rounds, if they go below certain levels, I may have to have a transfusion to bring them up so I can do another round.  I knew this was a possibility while going through this but didn't think it would be happening so soon. I'll let you know if/when this happens.
I've had nausea side effects this time and at the appt. they told me to take the anti-nausea meds starting two days after the treatment and to continue on an schedule to help avoid this.  So this is the plan for next time.
I think I've finally learned when to take what so that I'm not too uncomfortable next time - I guess we'll see....
So this coming week should be a good week and I'll do another round on Friday afternoon.
Thanks again for all your support!!
Love ya!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Chemo Countdown #5

Last Friday, March 2, I had another chemo treatment.  My wonderful sister (in-law) Debbie, was with me throughout the long 3.5 hour ordeal that actually lasted more like 5 hrs.  Watching while a different nurse tried to start the IV, which was a no go.  Luckily, they usually only try once, maybe twice, and then pass off to another nurse.  So when it didn't work, I requested, Doug, (who did it last time and was so gentle!) who didn't mind and said I could request him anytime!  That guys really got the knack but did say that sometimes they all may have a bad day, but he'd let me know if he was having one.
Once that was started another nurse came and gave me info on a port and that I could decide at anytime to have one, but I'm going to wait until I really need it - my choice!  The nurses there are just such a basket of good information, that I think Deb got some great tips for her son who takes insulin!  Let me know if they helped, Deb!  We also got to catch up on what's going on with our kids and such.  It was really nice to get to talk together! My sister in-laws are just like my sisters - the BEST!!!  Thanks Deb!
The Doc changed my anti-nausea IV drug since the last one gave me such insomnia and headaches, so I was cautious about what would lie ahead from that....
That day JoAnn and Randy came in from Georgia and since I was going to be going nowhere for the next few days, I left them my car to drive while in town for Randy's mother's birthday.  They, Paul and Caren, Peggy, Kellie, Ky and baby Daltrey (sp?) all came over to visit and play games on Saturday night.  We had pizza, munchies and lots of fun together.  It was really nice since we don't get together as much anymore.
Dexter and family and Joe made it too!  I had a really good time - thank you all for coming and keeping my mind busy!
Sunday wasn't too bad but had some queasiness so took the anti-nausea pills too. Monday was the Nuelasta shot - (nu-nasty shot!!)  Luckily, Peggy had time and took me in for it and we stopped for a bite too!  Thanks sis!  I'm so lucky for such wonderful support!! I think I'm going to feel alright and then when the day comes, I don't always feel as good as I'd hoped.  So thanks for letting me call at the drop of a hat!
The rest of this week's just been lots of  the fun side effects.  The newest and worst so far this week has been the smell sensitivity.  I don't think my sense of smell was this sensitive when I was pregnant!!  I have a new mattress and new pillow and they put off the worst weird smell ever and it was really getting to me - ugh!!  So Lance picked up some FeBreeze on his way home from work to save me from moving beyond the nausea stage!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
I had decided I was not going to go to work this week unless I was feeling totally up to it - not going to push it anymore!!  By Monday, I should feel alot better and ready to tackle the challenges of the whole week (hopefully!)  Every round of chemo I learn what to do differently so the next one can go a little smoother.  But because of the chemo brain - I have to write it on the calendar so I know when to take what!  Kinda new for a non-pill taker!!
So basically, this weeks been one more chemo closer to the end!!  Woo-Hoo!!! Two down, four to go....
If you can get your comments to take, I'd love to hear from all of you!! Thank you again for all your thoughts, prayers, cards and letters!!
I love you all!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Healthy-feel good week??

Well, I wanted to wait to post this blog until we did the hair loss - cutting experience so it's been awhile, sorry.
This week was supposed to be the feel good, etc. week and then I caught a cold - bummer!  I don't even know where I could have caught it from, so I guess that shows how susceptible my immune system is getting.  So don't be offended if you visit me and I ask you to wash and use hand sanitizer - just being cautious.

I really over did it on Tuesday, though.  I worked all day (10 hrs + 2 hrs commuting) and then attended the American Cancer Society class I had missed a few weeks ago.  I had enough time after work to stop home and grab some dinner and rest for about 20 min. My day was about 14-15 hrs. Pushing it to say the least!  But I got about 5.5 hrs sleep and thought I'd be ok.  Oh, yeah, this was the first day of wearing a wig, too!

So on Wednesday I was having a tough day dealing with the wig again - it was really itching that day!  And I was pretty tired, had a hard time concentrating and staying awake!  My pour co-worker, great supporter and wonderful friend, Linda.  I know I was really annoying her all day, but she really takes it all in stride!  Thanks, Linda for putting up with me on these kind of days!!  So I've slept more and ate and drank correctly today in anticipation of chemo #2 tomorrow.  I know, I know put myself first - that's why I went to the class!  But I won't do that long of a day again til I'm done with all this - I promise!!

Anyway, we had the kids and grand kids over last Sunday for the official "Shave Off".  My cameras pics are kinda blurry but I'll include them until I get some of Melissa's which should be better.  We actually had a really good time doing this and included the little ones to make sure I wouldn't scare them with no hair.  Hadley has a Rapunzel dress up wig so she really liked my new wig and wanted me to wear it most of the time.  I don't blame her, the bald head scares me a little too!!  I think I must have gotten used to the idea, after the large handfuls of hair starting coming out, I was glad to do it!  Now I wish the little stubs would fall out fast cuz they ITCH LIKE MAD!!  It will happen soon enough.....
I cut a lock from the sides first for myself,
Brooklyn, Hadley and Sammie to save.  Then let Lance start the with clippers.

Dexter does his hair with the clippers so we had him finish up by cleaning up the edges.

Then I did Lance's - I think he was more nervous than I was!!

Then Joe finally got there and he had a new puppy. This is how much  the kids just love animals!
That's where Joe needs to take it when it needs attention!!
Joey maybe starting to get the infamous Harker/Thomas hairline
BUT he still has thicker hair than any of us!!  And the clippers let you know it real fast!!
I don't know how - but I missed getting pic's of Jesse's haircut.
Dexter did it for him and he's been wanting a haircut like his uncle Dexters for a couple of years.
So I think he's pretty happy with it!

Here we all are with super short hair!  Too bad they'll have to have
more haircuts to keep it this way.  Mine won't grow back until about the end of June!

Me and my tall boys!! What a great support team I have!!!
Love ya All so much!!!
And Tah-Dah!  This is the new wig.
I really like the color and style so if I don't get tired of it,
this may be what I grow it out to be like -  NEXT FALL/WINTER!!!

Gotta get to bed to be rested for Chemo#2 tomorrow!
I have the best supporters I could have ever dreamed of! 
Thank you all for your emails, well-wishes, etc. and remember to be good to each other!! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Week of Learning....

This week brought a lot of things to light for me.  My biggest lesson has been that I cannot just "buck up" and suffer though health issues because I don't like to take pills.  My chemo side effects of headache, insomnia, etc. will not just go away.  I realize these chemo side effects are not the same and it's OK to take the Rx prescribed to alleviate them. I don't have to be uncomfortable or in pain.   I had to hear it from a nurse to get it - DAH!!!

The second big lesson was stay hydrated and eat smaller meals more often.  Yes, you and I have heard this over and over again.  With the chemo flowing through my veins, this lesson was learned quickly last Monday.  Once hydrated and protein in my system, I could function again. Whoo-hoo!  I've decided this first chemo round was to teach me how to care for myself through this. I am continuing to work through these first rounds as much as I feel able to and to keep me comfortable through the last rounds.

So, I got the Neulasta shot on Monday.  This drug stimulates your bone marrow to produce more white blood cells to replace the ones the chemo zapped.  The common side effect is bone pain in your long bones - tibia, fibula, etc.  This normally is only a day or two.  They say for some reason Claritin-D helps with this.  I took it for the suggested 3 days, starting the day before the shot.  I didn't really have too much discomfort until Wed. and Thurs.  It seems my body has the bone pain for about 5 days after the shot.  So next time I'll take the Claritin-D until I don't have the bone pain anymore.

This week they had to put Lance's mom in the hospital with pneumonia for a day.  But by the next day, after they'd pumped antibiotics and fluids into her, she'd had enough and insisted on going home.  I talked to her yesterday and she sounds like she's on the upswing but I wonder if they'll ever get her in a hospital again!!

Saturday, I finally felt more like myself so I asked Peggy to met me at the wig shop I wanted to go to.  I tried on a couple of wigs and found the one everyone in the shop agreed was the right one!  You'll have to wait until next weeks post to see it though.  I'm not going to post a pic until my hair starts coming out and I'll need to wear it.

Today, Sunday, I feel even better.  My head doesn't feel foggy and I can concentrate again.  So I decided I'd better figure our tax returns today while feeling good.  Joe said Jesse and Kia had their shooting test for the Hunter Safety class they are doing.  Jesse was being out shot and the instructor said he thought it appeared he might be left eye dominant and suggested he shoot left handed.  So when he did that, he started grouping his shots really well - who knew!!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!  Keep 'em coming - evidently, I'm a slow learner!
Enjoy and love each other every day like it's your last!!!

Love ya!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chemo Countdown starting at #6

Well, I got through the first chemo treatment last Friday. Whoo-hoo!  What an experience!  I had a great nurse who could thread that IV into my vein like nothing - I didn't even bruise!  Lance and I were pretty nervous of the unknown but all the people there are sooo nice and caring.  

Lance watched a couple of videos while I read, dosed off and on and chatted with others there.  Mary Nickles from KUTV2 News came in and had her second chemo while I was there. While there I was able to meet her and part of her family and tell her how much I appreciated what she is doing, putting her story out there, as I had read her blog and felt very much as she had felt when first diagnosed.  She is so upbeat and genuine.  We said we'd see each other next treatment as our chemo times are around the same time.

Saturday we had the kids and Jesse over for spaghetti dinner and poker night.  We hadn't done anything like that for so long and it was good to get together.  My sweet daughter in law, Melissa set this blog up for me and helped me get started so if things look a little weird at first, remember I have chemo for my excuse!  I was pretty tired after that but didn't really have too many side effects until Sunday night.

The chemo drugs gave me insomnia and by Monday I was so light-headed cuz I had tried to get some sleep but didn't eat or drink enough, I think.  So I called my sister, Peggy, to take me to get the Neulasta shot.  Her daughter Karlie, is in town so I got to spend a little time with her and Joselyn, too while we grabbed some lunch.  By then, I was finally starting to feel a little better but knew there would be more to come from the shot.

Today was supposed to be a class I really wanted to go to but lack of sleep and some minor stomach issues arose and I didn't feel I could drive in.  Hopefully, I can catch that class before my hair starts to fall out!  I'm resting, eating more often and trying to drink more today but things really don't taste good and it's harder to do than I thought it would be!  The medical advice is drink, drink, drink.....  

I am doing ok but the hardest thing for me was to tell you  - my family, friends and supporters.  The expressions of pure love and concern that you give me brings me to tears and truly helps me through this! 

Thank you all for your cards, letters, love and support!!