Monday, April 9, 2012


This past week I've been at work.  The first day I only worked 5 hours, then 8 hours the next day and 10 hrs on Thursday.  So I eventually get built up to a full day.  Good thing I've been there for 27 years and have lots of vacation saved up!

Peggy has gone into the Susan G. Komen site and set up our team for the Race for the Cure on May 12th (Mother's Day weekend, sorry).  Our team name if "Nancy's Knockouts".  So if you want to join our team, you can google Race for the Cure SLC and you'll get to the site. Then be sure to click on the bar on the right side that says "Join A Team", then search for our team name.  If you don't put it in exactly right it won't pull up, so I just put in Nancy.  That pulls up all the team names that start with Nancy, and then it's easy to find.  Click on the team name and register to do the walk/run or to make a donation.  There is a 1 mile or a 5K walk/run and the cost for adults is $35 not $45.  The site is pretty self explanatory but if you need help you can email myself or Peggy, or comment on this blog.

I'm so looking forward to doing this race, but it will be the week after my 5th chemo so I'll have to play it by ear and hope that I'm feeling up to it.  Thanks to all of you who may able to attend this race, and to all of you for supporting me through this!

Gearing up for another chemo treatment this Friday!

Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. I love the detail about how to join you're team for the race. You explained it perfectly (especially for the computer illiterate). You and my mom must be sisters! :)
