Friday, August 24, 2012

Moving forward...

I've been doing really good with the radiation treatments - more of a lose of time than any physical problems.  My last treatment will be on Monday, Aug. 27th (Mom's birthday).  I'm getting a pretty good sunburn patch on the side of my neck and upper left chest area and a little fatigue but that's about it.  The sunburn may get a little worse the first week or so after completing radiation and then better after that.
Yesterday I had another echo (heart ultrasound) to check on the valve problem.  Got the results today and all looks good again which means I'm good to start the Herceptin treatments again.  WhooHoo!! So I had one this afternoon and the port problem resolved itself, too!!  So I'm moving forward again and feeling better all the time.  I just wish the chemo brain side effect would totally leave.  I lose a word that I know I know and it takes a few moments before I find it and get it out - very frustrating!!  I have so much more understanding for people's physical/mental dilemma's having had this experience!
In case you haven't heard, I'm going to be a grandma again!  Dexter and Melissa announced they are pregnant and due in early January!  This will be grandchild number seven! They have decided not to find out the sex of the baby this time which I think will be fun!!  Melissa will get a taste of what it used to be like for us older folks who did not have the opportunity to know what sex to plan or prepare for. I think it will be fun not knowing and even more exciting when we find out the day its born!!
I have four brothers and sisters that I'm so very grateful for today!  They have been my rock through this battle and I love them, their spouses, their children, their spouses and kids so much.  Besides their love and support, I've received gifts of all kinds, hand written letters, drawings, etc.  The sacrifice of their family time to support me through this battle and with the race for cure walk in May, was emotionally overwhelming.  I truly could not verbalize how I felt that day - some even walked in my name in other races going on in other cities and states!!  I'm so proud of our family and very grateful for all the things they have done for me!
Love you all!

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