Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Week of Learning....

This week brought a lot of things to light for me.  My biggest lesson has been that I cannot just "buck up" and suffer though health issues because I don't like to take pills.  My chemo side effects of headache, insomnia, etc. will not just go away.  I realize these chemo side effects are not the same and it's OK to take the Rx prescribed to alleviate them. I don't have to be uncomfortable or in pain.   I had to hear it from a nurse to get it - DAH!!!

The second big lesson was stay hydrated and eat smaller meals more often.  Yes, you and I have heard this over and over again.  With the chemo flowing through my veins, this lesson was learned quickly last Monday.  Once hydrated and protein in my system, I could function again. Whoo-hoo!  I've decided this first chemo round was to teach me how to care for myself through this. I am continuing to work through these first rounds as much as I feel able to and to keep me comfortable through the last rounds.

So, I got the Neulasta shot on Monday.  This drug stimulates your bone marrow to produce more white blood cells to replace the ones the chemo zapped.  The common side effect is bone pain in your long bones - tibia, fibula, etc.  This normally is only a day or two.  They say for some reason Claritin-D helps with this.  I took it for the suggested 3 days, starting the day before the shot.  I didn't really have too much discomfort until Wed. and Thurs.  It seems my body has the bone pain for about 5 days after the shot.  So next time I'll take the Claritin-D until I don't have the bone pain anymore.

This week they had to put Lance's mom in the hospital with pneumonia for a day.  But by the next day, after they'd pumped antibiotics and fluids into her, she'd had enough and insisted on going home.  I talked to her yesterday and she sounds like she's on the upswing but I wonder if they'll ever get her in a hospital again!!

Saturday, I finally felt more like myself so I asked Peggy to met me at the wig shop I wanted to go to.  I tried on a couple of wigs and found the one everyone in the shop agreed was the right one!  You'll have to wait until next weeks post to see it though.  I'm not going to post a pic until my hair starts coming out and I'll need to wear it.

Today, Sunday, I feel even better.  My head doesn't feel foggy and I can concentrate again.  So I decided I'd better figure our tax returns today while feeling good.  Joe said Jesse and Kia had their shooting test for the Hunter Safety class they are doing.  Jesse was being out shot and the instructor said he thought it appeared he might be left eye dominant and suggested he shoot left handed.  So when he did that, he started grouping his shots really well - who knew!!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!  Keep 'em coming - evidently, I'm a slow learner!
Enjoy and love each other every day like it's your last!!!

Love ya!

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