Thursday, March 1, 2012

Healthy-feel good week??

Well, I wanted to wait to post this blog until we did the hair loss - cutting experience so it's been awhile, sorry.
This week was supposed to be the feel good, etc. week and then I caught a cold - bummer!  I don't even know where I could have caught it from, so I guess that shows how susceptible my immune system is getting.  So don't be offended if you visit me and I ask you to wash and use hand sanitizer - just being cautious.

I really over did it on Tuesday, though.  I worked all day (10 hrs + 2 hrs commuting) and then attended the American Cancer Society class I had missed a few weeks ago.  I had enough time after work to stop home and grab some dinner and rest for about 20 min. My day was about 14-15 hrs. Pushing it to say the least!  But I got about 5.5 hrs sleep and thought I'd be ok.  Oh, yeah, this was the first day of wearing a wig, too!

So on Wednesday I was having a tough day dealing with the wig again - it was really itching that day!  And I was pretty tired, had a hard time concentrating and staying awake!  My pour co-worker, great supporter and wonderful friend, Linda.  I know I was really annoying her all day, but she really takes it all in stride!  Thanks, Linda for putting up with me on these kind of days!!  So I've slept more and ate and drank correctly today in anticipation of chemo #2 tomorrow.  I know, I know put myself first - that's why I went to the class!  But I won't do that long of a day again til I'm done with all this - I promise!!

Anyway, we had the kids and grand kids over last Sunday for the official "Shave Off".  My cameras pics are kinda blurry but I'll include them until I get some of Melissa's which should be better.  We actually had a really good time doing this and included the little ones to make sure I wouldn't scare them with no hair.  Hadley has a Rapunzel dress up wig so she really liked my new wig and wanted me to wear it most of the time.  I don't blame her, the bald head scares me a little too!!  I think I must have gotten used to the idea, after the large handfuls of hair starting coming out, I was glad to do it!  Now I wish the little stubs would fall out fast cuz they ITCH LIKE MAD!!  It will happen soon enough.....
I cut a lock from the sides first for myself,
Brooklyn, Hadley and Sammie to save.  Then let Lance start the with clippers.

Dexter does his hair with the clippers so we had him finish up by cleaning up the edges.

Then I did Lance's - I think he was more nervous than I was!!

Then Joe finally got there and he had a new puppy. This is how much  the kids just love animals!
That's where Joe needs to take it when it needs attention!!
Joey maybe starting to get the infamous Harker/Thomas hairline
BUT he still has thicker hair than any of us!!  And the clippers let you know it real fast!!
I don't know how - but I missed getting pic's of Jesse's haircut.
Dexter did it for him and he's been wanting a haircut like his uncle Dexters for a couple of years.
So I think he's pretty happy with it!

Here we all are with super short hair!  Too bad they'll have to have
more haircuts to keep it this way.  Mine won't grow back until about the end of June!

Me and my tall boys!! What a great support team I have!!!
Love ya All so much!!!
And Tah-Dah!  This is the new wig.
I really like the color and style so if I don't get tired of it,
this may be what I grow it out to be like -  NEXT FALL/WINTER!!!

Gotta get to bed to be rested for Chemo#2 tomorrow!
I have the best supporters I could have ever dreamed of! 
Thank you all for your emails, well-wishes, etc. and remember to be good to each other!! 


  1. You are a trooper! I am amazed by your courage and strength through all this. I am inspired by your high spirits too. I think your bald head is cute, and I see where Dexter gets his good looks. You two look a lot alike. We love you, and please let us know if you need anything. I have been waiting for you to post this before I posted mine.

    1. I'll look for yours then but I'm sure your pics turned out a little better cuz your camera is so good!! Thank you for bringing the kids and hanging out to do this - it means the world to me!! I'm going to have to call you though cuz I've forgotten how to change the background design and I know you showed me but I can't remember where it is - DAH! I really thought I had it but I'll use the chemo brain as my excuse while I can!!
      Love ya!!!

  2. You all look so great with the little bit of hair! Thank goodness for boys to share this part with. I had a fun time at Creative Wigs and they were so amazingly caring there. I love your wig style and color and it looks so natural on you. You are a pillar of strength and I am in awe at how you are gracefully going through this. Thanks for the fun game night with the family. We are quite the humorous group, aren't we. And have the cutest grandkids around! Be sure to let me know whenever you need anything and don't be afraid to call me when you can't sleep. hehe We'll probably be laughing so hard, we'll wake up Lance. :) Love you sis!!

  3. Nancy, it was so good to be with you last night. I am happy to know the strength, power and graciousness of one generation when faced with cancer has passed on to the next. You are indeed your mother's daughter. Keep up the good attitude as it does affect the healing process. As always, I will keep you in my prayers. Love you!

  4. You are amazing! I love the wig - but you dont look too shabby without hair either - I am actually amazed!
    Love Ya!

    Penney Jensen

  5. Aunt Nancy!!! You are so amazing. You're beautiful! I love you!

    The wig looks great but I think the bald head is super cute too. I think you'd make a perfect GI Jane!
