Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Progressing Forward...

Some things progress so slowly that it's hard to sit and write about it.  So here's where I'm at today....

I had scar correction surgery with tissue re-arrangement on November 15, and all went well. I am home recovering and will return to work next week. My hair is getting thicker but is really taking its sweet time growing.  But it's nice to have it back no matter how short it is!! (Mom would like it so short!)

The reconstruction option I've chosen to try is a new alternative and I believe my plastic surgeon is one of only a few in Utah who has been trained in this new fat grafting procedure.  He actually went and trained under the doctor who created it a couple of years ago. When I first met my Dr. last year, he only had five patients who had chosen this option.  One of which was a patient who had done alot of research and asked him to look into it. He had seen it at a medical event and was interested in the results, so he researched it further, was very excited with the results they were achieving and pursued it.
This option is not as invasive but is a loooooong sloooooow process and will continue throughout the coming year.  I will have a fat grafting procedure every few months until we get the desired outcome.  However, depending on each procedures outcome, if the doc and I don't feel we are going to get our expected results, I have three other fall back options I can opt into at any time.  Nice to have options that I didn't realize were available and that insurance does cover.
That does bring up the insurance coverage question that I'm sure you've all wondered about - like how much this stuff really costs? - how much does the insurance cover? - how much do you have to cover? etc.
Believe me, the answer to all of these questions is - ALOT!!!!!!  It costs ALOT, the insurance covers ALOT, and I have to pay ALOT.  Even after the out of pocket maximum is satisfied, you still have to pay everything the insurance does not cover and any and all co-pays.  I've emptied my savings this year but have been able to keep on top of the costs so far pretty much.  So we'll see what happens when I get to claim all of that on our taxes this year! We will start over again next year with satisfying deductibles and out of pocket maximums, etc.  We figure the first Herceptin treatment in mid-January should get us there pretty quick. I really don't know how people without insurance do this! But don't worry, so far we're doing just fine.

While I've been home the last few weeks recovering, I've actually gotten a head start on the holidays.  Maybe this year I'll get everything done I'd like, HA HA!!  Wishful thinking I know, but I will keep trying!
I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season and if you're in the neighborhood, please, stop by and visit!
Thank you all again for your continued support, love, thoughts and prayers!
Happy Holidays!!
Love Nancy

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