Thursday, April 4, 2013


It's been so long since I've written where I'm at and what's going on.  I've been feeling the end of all this was in sight and I didn't need to write anything anymore.  Then I realize - it will really be five years of continued testing to make sure I have no recurrence before they will say I'm "Cancer Free".  Can't wait for that day! but it sure seems a long way off cuz that's about the same time (if all goes well) I'd like to try to retire - WooHoo!!

I've had my first after-treatment tests and all appears well so far.... I see my plastic surgeon tomorrow, Friday, April 5, for a pre-op visit before my first reconstruction surgery, which is scheduled for April 18th.  Hopefully, he'll tell me everything is looking like it's supposed to - cuz I really can't tell and don't know.  I'm a little apprehensive for this fat-grafting surgery as I'll be sore from the Lypo as well as the other.  But I'm taking as much time away from work as I need to feel better before going back.  Luckily, I have five weeks time off saved up for the surgeries this year and will continue accumulating time during the year.

Lance and I went to Moab last week for the Easter Jeep Safari, which I missed last year.  The weather was absolutely beautiful - warm and sunny almost the whole time - with not too much wind.  I even sat out in the sun for a while and rolled up my pants legs to get some sun on what is now the absolute whitest legs I ever had in my whole life!!  Amazing what a year and a half without sun or much exercise does to a body!!  I really missed my boys at this event that we all used to go to and have so much fun.  I keep hoping over the years they will want to join us again. (ya, probably wishful thinking but I'll just keep hoping!)

I started exercising again a little over a month ago. The first time was such a shocker!! It's amazing how much muscle mass I had lost through all of this.  It was really, really hard the first couple of weeks but I'm getting really close to the same ability and range of motion that I had before all of this, now.  It really feels good!!

My hair is growing in slowly, but I had it cut last Monday and it looks alot like the style of Kellie Pickler, the country singer who's doing Dancing with the Stars.  Kind of the Pixie hair style mom used to like to cut our hair like when we were little kids.  I hated it then but actually really like it now and will probably keep it this way for awhile.  I'll include a pic when I get one taken.

The RACE FOR THE CURE is coming up next month, so I better get busy and get my team registered.  I'll send out info as soon as I do this.  Hopefully, we'll have a great turn out again this year.  I know I'll certainly enjoy it more this year - no wheelchair for this girl!!

Hope to see you there!!  Thanks for all your love and support!!

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