Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

I haven't written since shortly after my last chemo but wanted to let you all know - I'm finally starting to feel more like myself everyday!!  Now if I can just get some strength back but I guess that entails exercise -  well, that's not gonna happen for awhile! I'm trying to enjoy as much summertime as I can before I start radiation in a few more weeks.
My taste is not back to 100% yet and the neuropathy is still giving me issues. But all in all, I'm feeling pretty good and people tell me I'm looking alot better!  (I guess I had the horrible chemo patient look for a while there.)  I have a Dr. appt. this Friday, so I'm hoping he will say that it will steadily improve!  I don't think quite as fast yet - believe me it's been tested alot at work lately!
We're doing a parade and BBQ today and I'm excited to be out among you all again!!
Have a wonderful holiday and hope to see you soon!

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