Sunday, July 22, 2012

Next - Radiation...

Tomorrow is my first day of radiation. Then it will be everyday, M-F for five weeks. I'm a little nervous to get started but I'm sure I'll adapt quickly and long for it to be over.
Food is tasting much more normal finally.  Now I'll just have to make sure I don't try to taste everything! My hair is a little more than a half inch long with alot of white!  I'll blame that on the chemo, too, LOL!  The wig is very hot during the hot weather we've been having. So the family saw alot more hats and my bald head during our vacation but even the little ones got used to it quickly. I had them rub their hand over my head so they could feel how soft the new hair is.  They thought it felt funny and it was fun to watch them giggle about it.
On our vacation, we did a float down the river on a raft and I did alot of paddling.  I thought I'd be sore but I think my flabby muscles needed the work out and it actually felt good! The day we were in Jackson Hole was 97 degrees and the heat got to us all but we had lots of fun playing cards and games at night. 
My ankles continue to swell up cuz of the chemo still in my body. But it should happen less and less as the chemo works it way out. My energy level is increasing everyday but the stair climbing still gets to me.  The stomach issues from the chemo crop up now and again and I have to watch how often and what I eat.  
Thank you for your continued support and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!

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