Thursday, March 22, 2012

Much Better Week....

I spent last weekend really resting up and stocking up on groceries for next week.  I went in to work on Tuesday and by the end of the day, I was actually starting to feel better.  By Thursday I was feeling and acting more myself - just in time for the next round!

I want to go do this round of chemo by myself.  Yes, I do think it is a control thing - I need to feel I have control of something and this may be the last time I'll feel this way, but I hope not!!  Peggy will be taking me to the ones that I don't feel I can drive to myself - I'm hoping that might not be until the last one, but we'll play it by ear.

Peggy checked into the Race for the Cure Walk/Run for me and it's scheduled for May 12th.  This falls only 8 days after my second to the last chemo treatment but I'm determined to be there and hopefully I'll be able to do some of the walk.  However, I'm pretty sure I won't make the whole walk - unless things start getting better instead of worse each treatment. :)

We hope to create a team and we'll let you know the name, details, etc. on this blog in the coming weeks. I do know it has a $45 registration fee that goes to support cancer research.  I'd love any of you, my fantastic support team, who's available and would like to do this as a member of my team to sign up and join in this fantastic event!!  The more the merrier!!!

Thanks for reading this blog and for your support in my battle!!!
Love ya all!

P.S. To my brother Lynn, I'm doing great!! The chemo is doing what's is supposed to do to kill the cancer cells. Please try not to worry about me!!  I know I am beating this!! It's just going to take a while. Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hey special friend! Congrats on 1/2 thru today! You can do this and I am so proud and admire you so much You will beat this! Lots pf prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way! I am here for you 24/7. Love you lots!
