Saturday, March 17, 2012

The After Effect...

Well, this week I'd hoped to start feeling better.  I was scheduled for a fairly important meeting at work Monday and was trying to make it, but when I got up that morning it just wasn't happening.  So when I found out it had been cancelled, I went back to bed and felt alot better after a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I was able to go to work the rest of the week but was pretty tired by the end of the day Friday.
I had my "NADIR" appt. Friday afternoon where they look at my blood counts.  I knew they would be lower but was a little shocked at just how much lower they were.  I was advised that after future chemo rounds, if they go below certain levels, I may have to have a transfusion to bring them up so I can do another round.  I knew this was a possibility while going through this but didn't think it would be happening so soon. I'll let you know if/when this happens.
I've had nausea side effects this time and at the appt. they told me to take the anti-nausea meds starting two days after the treatment and to continue on an schedule to help avoid this.  So this is the plan for next time.
I think I've finally learned when to take what so that I'm not too uncomfortable next time - I guess we'll see....
So this coming week should be a good week and I'll do another round on Friday afternoon.
Thanks again for all your support!!
Love ya!

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