Friday, March 9, 2012

Chemo Countdown #5

Last Friday, March 2, I had another chemo treatment.  My wonderful sister (in-law) Debbie, was with me throughout the long 3.5 hour ordeal that actually lasted more like 5 hrs.  Watching while a different nurse tried to start the IV, which was a no go.  Luckily, they usually only try once, maybe twice, and then pass off to another nurse.  So when it didn't work, I requested, Doug, (who did it last time and was so gentle!) who didn't mind and said I could request him anytime!  That guys really got the knack but did say that sometimes they all may have a bad day, but he'd let me know if he was having one.
Once that was started another nurse came and gave me info on a port and that I could decide at anytime to have one, but I'm going to wait until I really need it - my choice!  The nurses there are just such a basket of good information, that I think Deb got some great tips for her son who takes insulin!  Let me know if they helped, Deb!  We also got to catch up on what's going on with our kids and such.  It was really nice to get to talk together! My sister in-laws are just like my sisters - the BEST!!!  Thanks Deb!
The Doc changed my anti-nausea IV drug since the last one gave me such insomnia and headaches, so I was cautious about what would lie ahead from that....
That day JoAnn and Randy came in from Georgia and since I was going to be going nowhere for the next few days, I left them my car to drive while in town for Randy's mother's birthday.  They, Paul and Caren, Peggy, Kellie, Ky and baby Daltrey (sp?) all came over to visit and play games on Saturday night.  We had pizza, munchies and lots of fun together.  It was really nice since we don't get together as much anymore.
Dexter and family and Joe made it too!  I had a really good time - thank you all for coming and keeping my mind busy!
Sunday wasn't too bad but had some queasiness so took the anti-nausea pills too. Monday was the Nuelasta shot - (nu-nasty shot!!)  Luckily, Peggy had time and took me in for it and we stopped for a bite too!  Thanks sis!  I'm so lucky for such wonderful support!! I think I'm going to feel alright and then when the day comes, I don't always feel as good as I'd hoped.  So thanks for letting me call at the drop of a hat!
The rest of this week's just been lots of  the fun side effects.  The newest and worst so far this week has been the smell sensitivity.  I don't think my sense of smell was this sensitive when I was pregnant!!  I have a new mattress and new pillow and they put off the worst weird smell ever and it was really getting to me - ugh!!  So Lance picked up some FeBreeze on his way home from work to save me from moving beyond the nausea stage!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
I had decided I was not going to go to work this week unless I was feeling totally up to it - not going to push it anymore!!  By Monday, I should feel alot better and ready to tackle the challenges of the whole week (hopefully!)  Every round of chemo I learn what to do differently so the next one can go a little smoother.  But because of the chemo brain - I have to write it on the calendar so I know when to take what!  Kinda new for a non-pill taker!!
So basically, this weeks been one more chemo closer to the end!!  Woo-Hoo!!! Two down, four to go....
If you can get your comments to take, I'd love to hear from all of you!! Thank you again for all your thoughts, prayers, cards and letters!!
I love you all!!


  1. Your a ball of courage. Your positive attitude is an inspiration, keep it up. Let me know if you need anything, anytime.

  2. Love you! Had a great time playing games with ya!
