Monday, May 14, 2012

Chemo Countdown #2 and Race for the Cure

I had my second to the last chemo treatment on Friday, May 4th.  It was quite the event as it was Mary Nickles last chemo and our friend, Sherri's last chemo.  So the bell ringing was pretty exciting for them and me!!  (You may have even caught a glimpse of me with Mary on the news!! Not the 15 minutes of fame I'd hoped for...) However, the week following has been less than fun!  More severe side effects and alot of muscle weakness!  I just kept looking forward to the Race for the Cure event.

I am amazed by your support and saw more and more people signing up and donating to the cure that last week before the race.  I'm so humbled and in awe of your support and generosity that I am at a lack of words to express how grateful I am to you all.  (Chemo brain does not help with this either!)
There were over seventy people signed up to walk in support on my team!  How inspiring is that!!!! That day I was so overwhelmed with emotion (I try very hard not to let the emotion get in the way of fighting this battle) that I was not very good at expressing that to all of you, my team supporters!  But I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank you enough!!
I don't know how many of you were able to see the survivors parade at the end of the race but it was so awesome!! I wasn't planning on being in the parade but my chemo buddy Mary Nickles was holding the "Newly Diagnosed" sign leading the parade and inspired me to try!  She is so gracious and inspiring to all of us in this category.

I'll add more pics of the race when I get more from all of you who took them while there.  It was an exciting event but exhausting at the same time!  You can also see pics on our Facebook event page, I think it's called Nancy's Race for the Cure??  You know I'm not on Facebook so I really don't know but Peggy or Kellie should be able to help you get to it.
Thank you so much for your support to all who were there, and hopefully we helped raise awareness for early detection, and money to find the cure!
Signing off from my EZ chair!
Thank you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that we were able to be there with you and know that we will do everything that we can to support you and fight with you! I only wish that we could have seen you walk in the survivors parade...i have done this walk/run 3 times now and I didn't know that it existed....I guess I should stayed until the end! Love you Nancy!
