Monday, May 7, 2012

Race for the Cure Info

The Race for the Cure event - May 12, 2012
We've scheduled to meet in front of the new Questar Center Bldg to memorialize this event by taking a few group photos.  Plan on being there at 7:30 a.m. sharp to finish by 7:45a.m.  Then it's only 1 block to the warm up/starting line on 500 South State.  There is a convenient pay parking lot just south of the meeting place. However the race is expecting a large crowd and recommends being there early if not riding TRAX in. This site won't let me post a map but I'll email it to those I have email addresses for.
Thank you so much for supporting my team by signing up for the Race for the Cure and/or making a donation to our team!  Your support is overhelming and I can't thank you enough!!
I hope to see you there!

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