Thursday, May 3, 2012

Get Ready!

This last treatment's side effects weren't quit as intense as in the past.  However, they keep telling me it gets worse with each one.  I've come home from work a little early the last two days as my legs and ankles have been swelling.  So I come home to lay down and prop em up higher than my heart!  But I haven't had as much nausea or insomnia. This week I've been trying to prepare mentally for the next one, tomorrow, as well as getting the house stocked with groceries, etc.

Mary Nickles emailed me that she will have a camera crew there so I may want to "wear your nice wig"!  I was glad for the advance notice!  I'm so excited for her last one!!  I'm sure we'll all be celebrating with her!  Then next time I get to celebrate!!!!!

I'll let you know how it goes in another week!  I'm hoping to feel good for the race on the 12th!

Thanks for your prayers and continued support!!

Love ya!!

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